
Scholarship Database

Here you can find information on various kinds of DAAD funding for students, graduates and postdocs as well as on funding offered by other selected organisations.

Alexander von Humboldt Foundation: Humboldt Research Fellowship for Experienced Researchers

Programme Description

Highly-qualified international scientists and scholars from all disciplines who completed their doctorates less than 12 years ago and wish to spend extended periods of research in Germany are invited to apply. Candidates can come from any nation and are expected to have their own, clearly defined research profile: they should typically be working at least at the level of assistant professor or junior research group leader or be able to document independent research work over a number of years (Exception: Researchers from Brazil can currently not apply for a Humboldt Research Fellowship).

The fellowship amounts to 3,000 EUR, offering the candidates the opportunity to carry out their own long-term research projects (6 to 18 months) in cooperation with academic hosts of their choice at research institutions in Germany. The sponsorship entails further benefits and may be flexibly divided into a maximum of 3 visits within a range of 3 years. Short-term visits for study and training purposes or for attending conferences are not eligible for sponsorship.

Target Group

highly-qualified scientists and scholars from any discipline or nation who have completed their doctorates less than 12 years ago

Academic Requirements


Number of Scholarships

About 500 Fellowships are awarded each year to post-doctoral or experienced researchers.


6 to 18 months

Scholarship Value

The fellowship is worth 3,000 EUR per month.

Additional benefits:

  • mobility lump sum
  • payments towards health and liability insurance
  • travel allowance
  • language grant
  • allowance for accompanying family members
  • for single-parent fellows: fixed allowance for accompanying children
  • option to extend the research grant, if the fellow is accompanied by children under the age of 12
  • research cost allowance
  • Europe allowance
  • extensive alumni sponsorship

Application Papers

Detailed information on the application and selection procedures can be found here.

Application Deadline

Applications can be submitted at any time.
The Selection Committee responsible for reviewing applications to this programme meets every March, July and November.

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